Keys to creating workspaces at home

The arrival of the COVID-19 changed the way we see the world, the way we understand spaces, and the way we live in our homes. But not only that, it also brought with it the implementation of teleworking in many Spanish companies, and although it seems that the teleworking trend is reversing, there are still many workers in our country who perform their duties at home.

This has made many of them concerned about creating home workspaces that are comfortable and meet certain requirements. We talk about them below, along with some of the keys you’ll need to achieve a dream space.

1.Natural light

Natural light influences our mental health and therefore also our work productivity.  This is because when we feel good we can give more of ourselves to our work. What does light do for us?  It helps us to be less tired, it influences our mood and it also helps us to regulate our biological clock. For all these reasons, it is advisable to choose a part of the house with light to create the office. It is better to use indoor areas to create other rooms, e.g. bedrooms, bathrooms, etc., while outdoor rooms are better for creating workspaces or areas where we want to be better and more productive.

2. Ergonomic furniture

Comfort should be one of the main objectives when creating an office. For this very reason, it is necessary to select ergonomic furniture, furniture that is light to the eye and also to use, that facilitates all kinds of daily tasks so that you can focus solely on the performance of your work functions. A good desk and a good ergonomic chair with armrests, comfortable seat… chairs that allow comfort in the back and lumbar area while sitting for several hours while working.

3.Neutral colours

Neutral colours are the most used in office decoration, mainly colours such as white and grey. White is a colour that, together with natural light, makes spaces look more spacious and evokes feelings of peace, tranquillity and harmony, thus encouraging concentration on tasks. These neutral colours can be used on walls, floors and furniture.

4. Order

Tidiness is the basis of a workspace at home or in the office. When spaces are tidier we are able to work better because we focus our attention on what is important. It is important to use all the objects that help us to organise the space better, for example: filing cabinets, pencil cases to put all the pens, highlighters, and so on.

It is important to have a very clear desk, drawers, shelves… A well-organised work area will not only motivate us, it will also speak volumes about who we are. Visual order motivates us and also our colleagues and clients! Even if you are at home, they will be able to see you on video calls.

5. Selecting the right space

We told you that it is advisable to use the outdoor areas of the house, but which areas exactly? The area of the house to create the workspace will depend on the size of your home and your needs. If your house is large and the dimensions allow you to use a whole room for an office, it is perfect, especially if you have to hold meetings, make a lot of calls… On the other hand, if you don’t have space, you can make the most of hallways, living rooms, bedrooms and other rooms in the house.

Our collections for your home office

Take inspiration from our collections to create the perfect workspace. At Rocersa we like the most minimalist collections for workspaces because it is this type of decoration that provides greater concentration and promotes harmony in the workplace.

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